Friday, July 13, 2012

Wrap Up

Hello :) I know I have been extremely terrible updating my blog my last month in Austria but I am home now and can say that studying abroad was the best experience ever. I became good friends with people from over 50 countries, learned so much more German and about the Austrian/German culture and got to travel all over Europe! Thank you everyone for following my adventures these past 5 months. It really meant a lot to me. I have tons more pictures on my computer of all my travels if any of you are interested in seeing more. Hope to see those of you that I havent been able to see yet and hope youre all have a great summer! :)


Hallstatt Austria is an amazing place! I really need to thesaurus the word amazing and find a new word. Maybe incredible, breathtaking, RAD...? :) Anyways, Hallstatt is a small city (one street) that is about 30 minutes away from Salzburg. You need to take a ferry to get to the town. My cousin Eric and my friends Patty and Muro took a day trip there on the 26th of June. Here are some pictures. We walked around, took a boat ride and visited the cemetery.

 The train ride there

 Waiting to take the ferry across the water

 City center

 Famous picture of Hallstatt

 Where we ate lunch :)

Exploring through the city

 The town is so small that back in the day when it was highly populated, there was not enough room to bury everyone. What they would do is bury the corpse and dig it up after 30 years. The persons skull would then be removed, bleach, dried and painted. They kept them all in one room. Still to the this day you can chose to have this done once you die but very few people chose it.